Cogient is a powerful, easy to use and little weight Reporting and Business Intelligence Tool that allows user with little or no programming skills to create full featured reports, charts, dashboards and much more. Deployed in 2 or 3 tier architecture Cogient can scale to any level, limited only by the hardware resources. Being fully web-enabled and light weight, Cogient can be used on the LAN as well as over WAN or the Internet.
Cogient Administrator
Only Administrators have access to Administrator module. The User Group and User based access control is simple and yet powerful. Users can be Activate and De-Activate user, and only the Active users get counted for licensing. This allows administrators to manage the users and licenses effectively.
Users can be assigned to more than one User Groups. Report, Dashboard and data source access is controlled at the User Group level. The Administrator is a dedicated function and does not have PowerUser or EndUser privileges for better segregation of duties
Cogient PowerUser
The PowerUser privileged user has access to all the features of Cogient for Uploading data from MS Excel files, Creating Reports, Dashboards, Linking Reports, Creating Cubes and a host of other features . The PowerUser can also define row and column level access privileges for EndUsers using Aliases.
A simple point-and-click interface that allows loading of data from MS Excel and CSV files and create Oracle Tables to hold the data.
Simple Wizard driven processes allow users with practically no programming skills to create profession and complex reports, charts and dashboard. Reports and Charts can be mixed and matched to create dashboards in different layouts
Cogient EndUser
The EndUser privileged user can use the Reports, Convert Reports to Charts on the fly, view the Dashboards and Rol the Cubes created by the PowerUser
The EndUser can also use the Query Builder for Ad hoc interrogation of the data in the tables. The data displayed in reports and query builder can be downloaded to MS Excel.